1. archeofrag::bdv.connection
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between lithic fragments from the Bout des Vergnes site
    matrix|3903 x 2
  2. archeofrag::bdv.fragments
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between lithic fragments from the Bout des Vergnes site
  3. archeofrag::chauzeys.connection
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between lithic fragments from the Chauzeys site
    matrix|1879 x 2
  4. archeofrag::chauzeys.fragments
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between lithic fragments from the Chauzeys site
  5. archeofrag::cuzoul.cave.connection
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between fauna fragments from the Cuzoul de Gramat site
  6. archeofrag::cuzoul.cave.fragments
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between fauna fragments from the Cuzoul de Gramat site
  7. archeofrag::cuzoul.south.connection
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between fauna fragments from the Cuzoul de Gramat site
    matrix|135 x 2
  8. archeofrag::cuzoul.south.fragments
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between fauna fragments from the Cuzoul de Gramat site
  9. archeofrag::fontjuvenal.connection
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between pottery fragments from Font-Juvenal cave
    matrix|351 x 2
  10. archeofrag::fontjuvenal.fragments
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between pottery fragments from Font-Juvenal cave
  11. archeofrag::grande.rivoire.connection
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between lithic fragments from the Grande Rivoire site
  12. archeofrag::grande.rivoire.fragments
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between lithic fragments from the Grande Rivoire site
  13. archeofrag::liangabu.connection
    Dataset: Archeological relationships between pottery fragments in Liang Abu
  14. archeofrag::liangabu.fragments
    Dataset: Archeological relationships between pottery fragments in Liang Abu
  15. archeofrag::liangabu.similarity
    Dataset: Archeological relationships between pottery fragments in Liang Abu
    matrix|147 x 2
  16. archeofrag::tai.cave.connection
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between pottery fragments from the Tai site, Cave sector
  17. archeofrag::tai.cave.fragments
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between pottery fragments from the Tai site, Cave sector
  18. archeofrag::tai.south.connection
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between pottery fragments from the Tai site, South entrance sector
  19. archeofrag::tai.south.fragments
    Dataset: Refitting relationships between pottery fragments from the Tai site, South entrance sector
  20. SEAHORS::cassenade
    Dataset: remains found at the Palaeolithic Cassenade site
  21. SEAHORS::cassenade.refits
    Dataset: refitting relationships between objects found at the Palaeolithic Cassenade site