The development version can be installed from GitHub with:
Note that Archeofrag requires the RBGL package available through Bioconductor:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
For an interactive demonstration, see also the Shiny application.
The Archeofrag
package comes with a small example data
set called “Liang Abu”, related to the pottery fragments found on the
surface and in the first two layers of the Liang Abu rock shelter. The
data set contains three data frames:
The make_frag_object
function builds objects with the
class “frag”. Frag objects are not required by the other
functions, however, using them ensures that the
data are suitable for the next steps of the analysis. The
function takes a frag object and generates an
graph object representing the connection
Several Archeofrag
functions ensure that the first
examination of the data is easy. The
function returns a matrix with the
number of relationships within and between spatial units (e.g.,
stratigraphic layer).
The diagonal of the matrix gives the number of intra-layer relationships, and the other values refer to inter-layer relationships. Here, for example, there are 31 connection relationships within layer 2, and 3 connection relationships between layers 1 and 2. No connection relationship was found between the surface (“0”) and layer 2.
The frag.graph.plot
function generates a visual
representation of the graph:
The fragments are coloured by layer and the three inter-layer relationships can be observed.
Let us now focus on layers 1 and 2. The
function allows the user to extract a
pair of layers.
This subgraph is drawn with the frag.graph.plot
The function has a different behaviour if applied to a fragmentation
graph with only two spatial units: the nodes are vertically localised to
reflect their location in the two spatial units. In addition, note that
standard plot
arguments can be passed to the
function, e.g., the main
argument to define the plot’s title.
The frag.get.layers.pair
function has additional
parameters to set the minimum size of the connected fragments sets
) and to extract only the sets of connected
fragments which include relationships between the two spatial units
frag.get.layers.pair(abu.g, layer.attr="layer", sel.layers=c("1", "2"),, mixed.components.only=TRUE)
#> IGRAPH d95f3e6 UN-- 19 22 --
#> + attr: frag_type (g/c), name (v/c), layer (v/n), zmin (v/n), zmax
#> | (v/n), square (v/c), square.x (v/n), square.y (v/n), thickness (v/n),
#> | length (v/n), (v/n), sherd.type (v/c), membership
#> | (v/n), type_relation (e/c)
#> + edges from d95f3e6 (vertex names):
#> [1] 27 --28 28 --835 835--836 25 --8 27 --366 27 --367 28 --367 366--367
#> [9] 27 --371 332--371 366--371 187--188 165--195 25 --195 195--196 195--197
#> [17] 196--198 195--204 196--204 197--204 198--204 188--250
Additionally, the frag.get.layers
function can extract a
set of specified spatial unit(s), e.g., the refits within the first
layer at Liang Abu:
frag.get.layers(abu.g, layer.attr="layer", sel.layers="1")
#> $`1`
#> IGRAPH 7b0f548 UN-- 23 18 --
#> + attr: frag_type (g/c), name (v/c), layer (v/n), zmin (v/n), zmax
#> | (v/n), square (v/c), square.x (v/n), square.y (v/n), thickness (v/n),
#> | length (v/n), (v/n), sherd.type (v/c),
#> | type_relation (e/c)
#> + edges from 7b0f548 (vertex names):
#> [1] 392--408 123--124 301--302 313--314 435--441 477--478 25 --8
#> [8] 435--9999 441--9999 187--188 25 --195 195--196 195--197 196--198
#> [15] 195--204 196--204 197--204 198--204
Weighting the edges is a crucial step in the TSAR /
approach because it integrates the topological
properties of the fragmentation graph. The
function assigns a value to each edge
based on the topological properties of the vertices this edge
Then, the frag.layers.cohesion
function is used to
calculate the cohesion value of each layer.
These values determine the cohesion (self-adherence) of the spatial
units (here, layers) based on the distribution of the refitting
relationships. Note that the weighting of the edges is mandatory for the
computation of cohesion. Using the frag.layers.cohesion
function on a non-weighted fragmentation graph will give an error.
In addition to topological properties, the computation of edge weights can optionally include other parameters, namely the morphometry of the fragments and the distance between the location where they were found. In the following example, the length of the pottery sherds is used as a morphometric proxy:
Using the morphometry parameter results, layer 2 is more cohesive than layer 1:
In addition, the frag.layers.admixture
function returns
a value quantifying the admixture between the two layers. Let us compare
the results obtained when the morphometry is used or not:
# topology-based weighting:
frag.layers.admixture(abu.g12, layer.attr="layer")
#> admixture
#> 0.0094
# topology + morphometry weighting:
frag.layers.admixture(abu.g12morpho, layer.attr="layer")
#> admixture
#> 0.0069
In this case, using the morphometry in the computation lowers the admixture between layers 1 and 2 at Liang Abu.
Simulation-based hypotheses can be tested by combining the functions
offered by Archeofrag
The frag.simul.process
function generates a pair of
spatial units containing fragmented objects with connection
relationships within and between these units. The next command creates
two spatial units populated with 20 initial objects (corresponding to
the “connected components” of a graph) which are fragmented into 50
This illustrates the simplest use of the
function, which has several other
parameters to control the features of the simulation.
The number of initial spatial units is a crucial parameter, set using
the initial.layers
parameter with “1” or “2”. This
parameter determines the method used to construct the graph and,
accordingly, the underlying formation process hypothesis.
If initial.layers
is “1”, the fragmentation process is
simulated assuming that all the objects were originally buried in a
single spatial unit. The two clusters observed at the end of the process
are due to fragmentation and displacement.
parameter.If initial.layers
is “2”, it assumes that the objects
were buried in two different spatial units, which were later partially
mixed due to fragmentation and displacement:
The vertices
and edges
parameters are
related: at least one of them must be set, or both (only if
is set to 1). Note that using both
parameters at the same time increases the constraints and reduces the
number of possible solutions to generate the graph. When there is no
solution, an error occurs and a message suggests how to change the
The balance
argument determines the number of fragments
in the smaller spatial unit (before the application of
the disturbance process). The components.balance
determines the contents of the two spatial units by affecting the
distribution of the initial objects (components). Note that this
argument is used only when initial.layers
is set to 2.
The aggreg.factor
parameter affects the distribution of
the sizes of the components: this distribution tends to be more unequal
when aggreg.factor
has values close to 1.
By default, fragments from two spatial units can be disturbed and
moved to another other spatial unit. However, the
can be used to move fragments
from only one given spatial unit.
Finally, the planar
argument determines if the generated
graph has to be planar or not (a graph is planar when it can be drawn on
a plane, without edges crossing). This function requires to install the
optional RBGL
An example of a complete configuration of the function is:
An additional function is intended to simulate the failure of an
observer to determine the relationships between fragments. The
function takes a fragmentation graph
and randomly removes a given proportion of edges.
The versatile frag.simul.process
function can generate
fragmentation graphs under multiple hypotheses about the initial
conditions (number of initial objects, number of initial spatial units,
etc.). Testing measurements on observed empirical data against
measurements made under these hypotheses can determine the most likely
initial conditions and fragmentation process.
Here, this is illustrated by comparing measurements from Liang Abu
layers 1 and 2 with measurements from simulated data under two
hypotheses about the number of initial spatial units (e.g., layers),
using the initial.layers
parameter with two values, namely
one or two initial layers.
A fragmentation graph is generated for each
value, using the parameters observed in the
Liang Abu layers 1 and 2 fragmentation graph. Setting the simulator is
made easier by using the frag.get.parameters
which takes a graph and computes a series of parameters that are
returned as a list.
params <- frag.get.parameters(abu.g12, layer.attr="layer")
#> $n.components
#> [1] 28
#> $vertices
#> [1] 72
#> $edges
#> [1] 52
#> $balance
#> [1] 0.32
#> $components.balance
#> [1] 0.29
#> $disturbance
#> [1] 0.04
#> $aggreg.factor
#> [1] 0.7
#> $planar
#> [1] TRUE
# for H2:
test.2layers.g <- frag.simul.process(initial.layers=2,
# for H1:
test.1layer.g <- frag.simul.process(initial.layers=1,
Let us now generate not only one graph, but a large number of graphs
to statistically compare measurements in the empirical and simulated
graphs. The frag.simul.process
function is set for the “two
initial layers” hypothesis and embedded into an ad hoc
run.test2 <- function(x){
frag.simul.process(initial.layers=2, # note the different value
The function is then executed a sufficient number of times:
The empirical values observed for Liang Abu layers 1 and 2 (red line) can now be compared to the values measured in the simulated graph generated under the hypothesis of two initial layers. This shows, for example, that the empirical admixture value is slightly lower than the simulated admixture values:
edges.res <- sapply(test2.results,
function(g) frag.get.parameters(g, "layer")$edges)
plot(stats::density(edges.res), main="Edges")
abline(v=params$edges, col="red")
Similarly, the empirical admixture value is lower than the simulated admixture values:
admix.res <- sapply(test2.results,
function(g) frag.layers.admixture(g, "layer"))
plot(stats::density(admix.res), main="Admixture")
abline(v=frag.layers.admixture(abu.g12, "layer"), col="red")
Two functions (
) facilitate the execution of the
analytical process described above on the initial number of spatial
units. The
function takes an observed
fragmentation graph, generates two series of simulated graphs
corresponding to two hypotheses on the number of initial spatial units
(H1 for one initial spatial unit and H2 for two initial spatial units),
and returns a data frame of measurements made on each series (including
the edge count, weights sum, balance value, disturbance value, admixture
value, and cohesion values of the two spatial units).
compare.res <-, layer.attr="layer",
iter=30, summarise=FALSE)
#> edges weightsum balance components.balance disturbance admixture cohesion1
#> 1 53 207.6562 0.35 0.42 0.04 0.0394 0.2022
#> 2 54 243.4007 0.34 0.42 0.04 0.0154 0.1394
#> 3 55 261.9433 0.31 0.38 0.04 0.0079 0.1577
#> 4 51 202.3484 0.28 0.31 0.04 0.0097 0.2008
#> 5 55 224.3116 0.34 0.32 0.04 0.0520 0.4151
#> 6 57 242.6495 0.30 0.25 0.04 0.0375 0.4050
#> cohesion2
#> 1 0.7584
#> 2 0.8452
#> 3 0.8344
#> 4 0.7895
#> 5 0.5329
#> 6 0.5575
For each of these parameters, the frag.simul.summarise
function facilitates the comparison between empirical observed values
and simulated values generated for H1 and H2.
frag.simul.summarise(abu.g12, layer.attr="layer",
#> H1 != H2? p.value Obs. value/H1 Obs. value/H2
#> edges FALSE 0.95 lower lower
#> weightsum FALSE 0.98 within within
#> balance FALSE 0.58 within within
#> components.balance TRUE 0 lower within
#> disturbance FALSE 0.16 within within
#> admixture FALSE 0.99 lower lower
#> cohesion1 TRUE 0.01 higher within
#> cohesion2 TRUE 0.01 lower within
This function returns a data frame with four columns, containing, for each parameter studied:
Note that the
function can optionally
be set to execute and return the results of the
Similarity relationships are, by construction, not part of the TSAR
method, which is based on the topological properties of connection
networks. However, since similarity relationships are more frequent in
archaeological empirical studies, the Archeofrag
includes various functions to handle them. This section illustrates a
method to use similarity relationships using Archeofrag
R generic functions.
The make_sr_graph
function takes a “frag” object and
generates an igraph
similarity network.
# make a frag object and generate a similarity graph:
abu.frag <- make_frag_object(sr=liangabu.similarity, fragments=liangabu.fragments) <- make_sr_graph(abu.frag)
function returns a table
with the number of similarity relationships in and between spatial
units, e.g., in the top three layers at Liang Abu:
# count of similarity relationships in and between layers: <-, "layer")
#> 0 1 2
#> 0 15
#> 1 0 234
#> 2 1 61 173
These values can be observed as percentages:
# percentage of similarity relationships in and between layers:
round( / sum(, na.rm=T) * 100, 0)
#> 0 1 2
#> 0 3
#> 1 0 48
#> 2 0 13 36
Considering a stratigraphic sequence, adjacent and close layers in the sequence must have lower statistical distances than distant layers. Consequently, it is expected that the result of a hierarchical clustering computed on this distance table would reflect the order of the layers. The expected result is observed for Liang Abu surface and the first two layers, suggesting an absence of significant disturbance and admixture ().
# turn similarity into distance:
simil.dist <- max(c(, na.rm=T) -
simil.dist <- as.dist(simil.dist)
# hierarchical clustering:
clust.res <- stats::hclust(simil.dist, method="ward.D2")
clust.res$labels <- as.character(factor(clust.res$labels,
levels=c("0", "1", "2"),
labels=c("layer 0", "layer 1", "layer 2")))
plot(clust.res, hang=-1, axes=F, ann=F)
Hierarchical clustering of the pottery layers in Liang Abu (distance: based on the number of similarity relationships; clustering method: Ward).
The second aim of the TSAR method implemented in
is to characterise spatial units based on the
topological properties of the connection relationships between the
fragments they contain. Although this aspect is still a work in
progress, some functions are already implemented and will be illustrated
using simulated data. The archaeological interpretation of numerical
values depends on the type of material (lithic, pottery, etc.) and the
completeness or incompleteness of the objects under study and is not
discussed here.
# simulate a fragmentation graph:
simul.g <- frag.simul.process(initial.layers=2,
# extract the subgraph of each spatial unit:
simul.g1 <- frag.get.layers(simul.g, layer.attr="layer", sel.layers="1")[[1]]
simul.g2 <- frag.get.layers(simul.g, layer.attr="layer", sel.layers="2")[[1]]
In a graph, a cycle is a path in which only the first and last
vertices are repeated. The frag.cycles
function searches
for cycles in a graph and returns the number of cycles found for
different cycle lengths. The kmax
parameter determines the
maximal length of the cycles to search for. Let us compare the cycles
found in the two spatial units of the artificial graph:
"unit1" = frag.cycles(simul.g1, kmax=5),
"unit2" = frag.cycles(simul.g2, kmax=5))
#> 3-cycles 4-cycles 5-cycles
#> unit1 8 3 1
#> unit2 22 9 1
The frag.path.lengths
function returns the distribution
of the path lengths in the graph (i.e., the number of edges between each
pair of vertices). This function returns a vector whose first element is
the frequency of the paths of length 1, the second element is the
frequency of the paths of length 2, etc. If the cumulative
parameter is set to TRUE
, the function returns the
cumulative relative frequency of the path lengths.
#> [1] 29 10
#> [1] 46 11 1
frag.path.lengths(simul.g2, cumulative=T)
#> [1] 1.00000000 0.23913043 0.02173913
In a graph, the shortest path between two vertices is the path
including the least number of edges. The diameter of a graph is its
longest shortest path. The frag.diameters
calculates the diameter of each component of the graph and returns the
frequency of the values. If the cumulative
parameter is set
, the function returns the cumulative relative
frequency of the diameters.